Its hard to tell from the picture but the wind was really blowing and it was COLD....
I had to fix this fast because the forecast was calling for weather like this...
Instead of buying another cheap blue tarp that would need to be replaced again in a few months, I decided to get one of these HEAVY duty canvas ones that the old timers seem to have on their boats. The only one they had left was 40 by 25 ft (so maybe I need to get a bigger boat). The tarp felt as if it weighed 200 + pounds and it took a while to get it up there but it would be worth it if the boat was dry in the spring. This was what the next day looked like..
I went out to the boat this morning for the first time after 4 weeks of snow storms and lots of freezing rain. Except for some very slight condensation the boat was bone dry one the inside. I opened the tarp up today to allow some of the moisture to escape.
The good news is that over the last week my work has calmed down some (I cut back on one of my jobs, which in its own way is pretty stressful). Since then, I have been finding my self thinking more and more about the boat.....I think it may be time time to start working on Jack A Roe again.